Voicemail Reminders with Workflow

I don’t know if anyone else has been frustrated before (or for ten years) that iOS doesn’t support creating reminders for voicemails. It seems like a common problem. 

I like tools that relieve my mind of unnecessary work, so I finally made a Workflow to solve my problem:

Voicemail Reminders in OmniFocus Workflow

Saving voicemail to Dropbox was an extra step, trying to get an attachment or link to work in Reminders. iOS Reminders doesn’t support attachments or even handle links properly, but OmniFocus can handle file attachments and links!

Workflow was recently purchased by Apple. It is a slick app, and I hope they use it to expand the custom action options for HomeKit. I’m solving problems I’ve had for a while, without having to write full-blown apps. Workflow allows a lot more customization than IFTTT or HomeKit automation rules. Now if Mail supported the standard share extensions, I could create some nice automation for email too!